Anxiety And Depression – How You Can Help Yourself

It is possible to treat anxiety and depression on your own  Anxiety and depression can handicap a person mentally and emotionally. It is a tough condition to deal with and a very gradual process. This makes it difficult to diagnose the problem as well. Anxiety And Depression – How You Can Help Yourself1.4 (28%) 10 Read more


Anxiety and Depression – How They Impact Health

Depression and anxiety create havoc with brain chemicals  Depression and anxiety are two factors that can cause havoc in a person’s general health. Depression is caused due to a number of factors ranging from emotional turmoil to too much exertion at work. These create undesirable reactions in the body and cause ill health. There are Read more


Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress

For all we know, anxiety is not a disease or a condition. Anxiety is classified as disorder caused by excessive stress brought by works, fear or things like that. Many of us, especially those who are working under pressure are unconsciously experiencing this kind of disorder. Actually, Anxiety is our body’s normal response to threat. Read more