Sodexo is not only focused on bringing great dining experiences but also new plans of dam construction, world wide development of children’s health and education, etc. They are driving forward to bring the best of experiences for their clients and customers. They are working with the commitment to incorporate higher levels of quality in all of their customers’ lives. They are not motivated to change the very definition of nutrition in schools in their plan to eradicate childhood obesity.
Childhood obesity is one of the saddest things that can happen to a child that can take the whole fun of this beautiful time of life. Childhood obesity comes with integrated diseases that can affect the child now or even later.
These are the reasons why childhood obesity should be taken and stopped seriously. Sodexo is currently doing a thorough clean out of the preliminary ideas and functions of dietary regime in schools. While Sodexo packets arrive in school there will be no deliberate creeping of trans fats into any child’s mouth. They are coming with integrated plans on how to bring all of this into meals, snacks as well as through education and awareness brought into the minds of children.
One of the most important steps Sodexo is taking here is by incorporating classes that bring the true value and appreciation of good nutrition in children’s knowledge. With this in their hands they can then go about to make wise decisions in their lives. Sodexo believes that the right nutrition combined with perfect activity is going to make healthy children and later healthier generations.